Best Testosterone Boosting Foods – Our #1 Pick will Surprise You

By | September 22, 2023

Testosterone is a sex hormone that is produced naturally in the bodies of human beings. Especially in the bodies of men, sex and testosterone go hand in hand, as they can increase their sex drive, increase their bone mass, increase their fat distribution, produce red blood cells, and much more. When men age, the level of production of the hormone decreases to some extent. Hence, best testosterone boosting foods are suggested for men so that their body functions remain healthy and normal.

It also plays a crucial role in the proper and healthy function of the reproductive organs of the male. A guy has a level of testosterone that is 7-8 times higher than that of a woman. The hormone also helps a male develop critical characteristics like body hair and muscles. The level of the hormone increases during puberty and rises to a peak during the late teenage years.

Sometimes the male body produces too little testosterone. When there is a sign of low testosterone, the doctor usually lets you know which foods increase testosterone the most. And these testosterone-boosting foods will help you regain a reasonable level of the hormone in your body. As a man, you need to maintain a healthy level of testosterone in your body. The scale can decrease due to several reasons- it can be stress, an unhealthy diet, or anything else.

15 Best Testosterone Boosting Foods – An  Overview

best testosterone boosting foods

Here are the main reasons why testosterone is essential in the bodies of human beings:

  • It helps in the development of sexual organs in males.
  • It increases the energy level in the body.
  • It helps with muscle growth.
  • It helps in the development of male characteristics during puberty.
  • It contributes to the health of the heart.

But with proper care, the level of testosterone in the body can be brought to an average level. Sometimes, doctors suggest supplements to increase testosterone levels in the body. But certain foods help to increase the level of testosterone in the body naturally. As a fitness expert, I believe that it is not necessary to get all paranoid about what to eat and what not to eat. Eating home-cooked and healthy food generally always helps, no matter what the issue is. Eating healthy isn’t just enough, though. Exercising regularly and avoiding stress are other ways to maintain a high level of testosterone in the body. If changes in diet and lifestyle do not help, then the doctor may prescribe some medicines.

Here are the best testosterone boosting foods that will help you regain the hormone level in your body. All these foods are natural, and I recommend them from my personal experience. If you have a question in your mind on “how to increase testosterone levels quickly,” I have the exact response for you here.

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  1. Kefir

Kefir is a kind of fermented milk and is a rich source of protein and calcium. It also has the added advantage of probiotics. This drink is kind of like yogurt, but it has a light fizz along with a sour taste. Kefir also contains a healthy amount of zinc and vitamin K2. Both are incredibly beneficial for increasing testosterone levels.

  1. Strawberries

Strawberries and raspberries are among the five high testosterone foods you must be eating. Strawberries have a high level of zinc, which is a governor of testosterone. When you increase the amount of zinc that your intake directly, it improves testosterone levels. And strawberries are a perfect way to increase the level of this nutrient in your diet. This fruit can make your immune system stronger, reduce the risk of arthritis in your body, fight cancer, and prevent heart disease. You can also call it one of those natural testosterone supplements.

  1. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potato for testosterone increase is a known fact by everyone. Potatoes and testosterone go hand in hand. Many might think sweet potatoes and regular potatoes are almost similar. But that’s not the case. Sweet potatoes contain an amazingly high amount of vitamin A. While regular potatoes contain 2 IU of vitamin A, sweet potatoes contain 14,187 IU, on the other hand.

By consuming vitamin, A, testosterone levels can increase significantly. Sweet potatoes are also rich in vitamin B6, a great source of iron, and an immensely powerful booster of the immune system. So, it’s time to switch out the regular potatoes in your diet for sweet ones. It will prove to be beneficial.

  1. Coffee

Coffee is among the favorite supplements for all the people who go to the gym. The debate regarding whether coffee is beneficial for improving testosterone levels has been going on for a long time. Does drinking coffee lower testosterone? No. In fact, coffee has emerged as the winner in the debate. Searching for coffee and testosterone on Reddit will help you understand more about how caffeine and testosterone are related.

Coffee can boost your adrenaline and make you feel more energetic. It also helps in burning off fat, can lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, and helps in the protection of the liver. But drinking too much coffee can also wipe out all the sound effects.

  1. Parsley

Parsley is one of the best testosterone boosting foods that contains a compound called apigenin. This compound helps increase the amount of steroidogenic acute regulatory protein in the testicles of men. This is great because this compound also helps to stimulate the production of testosterone in the testes.

Parsley also supports the function of the kidneys, is rich in vitamins, and helps to control blood pressure.

  1. Pomegranates

Drink lots of pomegranate juice if you are struggling to improve the testosterone levels in your body. People say pomegranate is a superfood, and I cannot agree more. According to studies, pomegranate juice can increase testosterone levels by around 24%.

And that is not all. Drinking pomegranate juice can also increase the quality of sperm, and it also increases the sex drive in men. They are anti-inflammatory, can fight arthritis, and help lower blood pressure.

  1. Ginger

Ginger is no longer just a regular, ordinary household spice, and believe me when I say this. If you use ginger properly, it can boost your testosterone to a great extent. Gingerol is one of the main active ingredients found in ginger. It’s anti-inflammatory and can have a significant effect on your body.

A study in Iraq shows that ginger can increase testosterone levels in men by 17%. Ginger has many other medicinal properties; it can reduce post-workout soreness in muscles, lower blood sugar levels, and lower cholesterol.

  1. Wheat Bran

Wheat bran isn’t a prevalent one. But it is one of the best testosterone-boosting foods. Wheat bran has a high amount of magnesium in it. Research and studies prove that people’s intake of magnesium also increases their production of testosterone. Eating magnesium-rich foods like this will improve your chances of increasing your testosterone levels.

Wheat Bran is also rich in fiber, protects you against heart diseases, and prevents gallstones.

  1. Pineapple

Pineapples are among the top testosterone boosting fruits. When you eat pineapples, an enzyme called bromelain enters your body. This supplement has been used by many professional bodybuilders so that their testosterone levels do not drop. Pineapples also help in post-workout recovery.

However, canned pineapples do not contain enough bromelain to have these kinds of effects. I suggest eating a ripe pineapple, and you can also make a smoothie out of it.

  1. Kale

Kale is among the top vegan foods to boost testosterone. This vegetable is rich in vitamins A, K, and C and contains a substance called dim. This component is a great way to prevent the dominance of estrogen. For women, this reduces the risk of breast cancer. And when it comes to men, it helps to avoid side effects of estrogen like man boobs, sex drive, and more.

When you consume cruciferous vegetables like kale among foods to boost testosterone, bodybuilding and other stressful activities can be done in a better way because vegetables like this raise the level of testosterone and reduce estrogen. Kale also has few calories but is exceptionally high in fiber.

  1. Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are mostly overlooked among household food items. But it is one of the best testosterone-boosting foods. It has an immense nutritional boost and contains high amounts of magnesium and zinc. I guess I have already mentioned above how vital these two minerals are in boosting testosterone levels. They also have other health-promoting minerals.

The extracts from pumpkin seeds and oils play a significant role in treating an enlarged prostate. Studies also show that pumpkin seed oil and pumpkin seeds are especially beneficial in supporting prostate health. Pumpkin seeds can also boost the immune system, are rich in Omega 3, and can improve heart and liver health.

  1. Onions

US scientists conducted some studies on rats, where they were fed onion juice. By doing this, their testosterone levels increased by around 300%. And it has been proven that it works the same on humans as well. Onions are packed with antioxidants that neutralize free radicals in the testicles.

They also contain a testosterone-boosting component called apigenin and quercetin. This enzyme helps to convert testosterone into a form that can be excreted out of the body with the help of urine. This also lowers the circulating levels of testosterone in onions, can help regulate blood sugar, prevent cancer, and has anti-inflammatory properties.

  1. Blue Cheese

Fermented cheeses are brilliant for testosterone production as they contain probiotics and enzymes, which increase the creation of the hormone. And blue cheese is one of those testosterone-boosting foods. Blue cheese is packed with saturated fat, which is excellent to produce testosterone. The bacteria are fantastic for maintaining the health of the gut.

The high quantities of testosterone boosting saturated fat and fat-soluble vitamins make it one of the best choices to improve prostate health. The hypothalamus in man is responsible for the production of testosterone. And the bacteria present in blue cheese communicate with the hypothalamus. Blue cheese is also great for weight loss, promotes healthy function of the heart, and has anti-inflammatory properties.

  1. Shrimp

All kinds of seafood are considered excellent for boosting testosterone levels in the body. Similarly, shrimp also fall into the same category. Shrimp and testosterone go hand in hand. They contain a high amount of vitamin D. And studies have found that vitamin D can increase the level of testosterone in the body. Shrimps are testosterone-boosting foods, which increase the hormone level naturally.

They are also rich in lean protein, help improve blood health, and are a rich source of minerals.

  1. Avocados

Avocados are among the testosterone-boosting foods that are packed with powerful nutrients and a lot of potential health benefits. They also contain a lot of fat-soluble vitamins, and many of them are crucial for hormone production in men and women. Avocados also have high levels of monounsaturated fat like oleic acid, which benefits the heart. They also help to control blood sugar levels, maintain insulin levels, manage weight, and reduce inflammation.

Avocados are rich in fiber and potassium, dense in nutrients, and lower the level of cholesterol. Monounsaturated fats are great for increasing testosterone.


  1. How do you really improve testosterone levels?

Honestly, there is no magic formula to suddenly increase the levels of testosterone in the body. But there are some proven ways that can somehow affect and help you increase the hormone level. Hopefully, they’ll help you to some extent.

  • Try to reduce your stress level.
  • Intake fatter, carbs, and protein.
  • You can start doing some physical activities, preferably weightlifting.
  • Intake more vitamin D.
  • Try to eat products that promote estrogen.
  1. Which exercise is the best for boosting testosterone?

I would suggest compound lifts, for sure. They not only offer a testosterone boost, but you will also achieve overall fitness. These exercises trigger protein synthesis and help you burn fat. They also help to absorb the excess sugar from your blood.

  1. Do the supplements for boosting testosterone work?

Well, honestly, they do not work the way they are advertised. Our bodies work in a particular way, and it varies from individual to individual depending on your diet and lifestyle habits. So, if you’re expecting to buy a random set of tablets online, hoping that it will work, the probability of it working is quite low. Often, we make the mistake of going for cheap methods without any information about them, and it can lead to dangerous results if you don’t know enough about them. Hence, it is better to go the natural way by consuming foods that boost testosterone levels. In fact, natural ways do not have any side effects as well.

Ashwagandha is one more herb that has shown surprising results on the level of testosterone in consumption. Along with helping in reducing stress and anxiety, it has been proven that consumption of 5 grams of ashwagandha daily for around three months boosted the T-levels by 10–22%.

  1. What causes low testosterone?

Here are some potential causes as to why men might face a decrease in testosterone levels:

  • Injury
  • Infection in the testes.
  • Metabolic disorders.
  • Too much abuse of alcohol
  • Extreme weight loss or obesity.
  • excess estrogen.

You also need to take care of the SHBG levels in your body, as increased levels can lead to infertility, a decrease in sex drive, and a decline in the levels of free testosterone.

  1. What are the symptoms of low testosterone?

Low sex drive, erectile dysfunction, depressed mood, fatigue, loss of muscular strength, moodiness, and many more.

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Final Words

Other than the 15 testosterone-boosting foods mentioned above, many different options are available. You can research more about them on the internet. However, there are also some testosterone-killing foods that need to be avoided, like trans fats, sugar, vegetable oils, soy, soda, beer, and more. These are the foods that lower testosterone levels in men. But on the other hand, these are also the foods that reduce testosterone in females.

If you are not satisfied with the testosterone boosting foods and you want to switch to medicines, Ayurvedic medicine for low testosterone is also available. In fact, many people go for naturopathic treatment for low testosterone, which can produce amazing results at times. Red light therapy is one more area that you can research more on when it comes to the topic of increasing testosterone levels. Other than that, you can also try out intermittent fasting, but it is extremely crucial that you research everything about it, including the side effects, before trying it out.

Other than testosterone boosting foods, there are also testosterone-boosting herbs, vitamins, and supplements available that help increase the production of the hormone in male bodies. Boron is one component that was seen to aid in the growth of testosterone levels daily. When it leads to low testosterone, brain fog is one of the most noticeable effects seen in men. There is a decline in their memory and focus skills. So, it is better to prevent these adverse effects as much as you can. And if testosterone-boosting foods help you with that, why not opt for something so simple?

So, if you have a question on your mind regarding how to gauge testosterone levels,’ this is your one-stop destination to know every single thing you always wanted to.

Being a fitness expert myself, I have had many experiences, and I have learned a lot during this journey. It is crucial to know what works for your body and what does not. And that is precisely where I want to help you out. Hopefully, this article helped to clear up a lot of your doubts.

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